Fırat Dealers are Ready to Rule The Future
The traditional dealers meeting of Fıratpen, Winhouse and Gedizpen Dealers took place in Antalya between 23-26 November with the slogan "Take Action, Rule the Future".
The traditional dealers meeting of Fıratpen, Winhouse and Gedizpen Dealers took place in Antalya between 23-26 November with the slogan "Take Action, Rule the Future".
According to data of İKMİB (İstanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters’ Association) in 2016, “Star Firms of the Export” which determines in 23 categories have been declared.
Fıratpen, Gedizpen And Winhouse Dealers Vısıted Cyprus.
According to 2011 figures of Turkish Exporters Assembly, Fırat Plastik AŞ became the export leader of construction plastics field this year again. Being 117th largest exporter of Turkey, Fırat introduces Fırat technology to the world in the fields of PVC door and window systems, building installation systems and infrastructure systems.
Theater, movie, folk dances and music shows were performed for the primary school students who are children of our employees on March 15th on 15:00 in “Grand Fırat Conference Hall”. 650 children watched the drama play named “Çanakkale 1915” performed by Tiyatro Bozok.
Traditional Fırat Astroturf Football Tournament takes place in sports complex in the production plants of Fırat at 3 June and 31 July. In the final match of the tournament where 10 teams compete in two groups, Infrastructure Sales and Administrative Affairs compete.
Invited by İstanbul Environment and Urban Planning Directorate, guest visiting İstanbul between September 2-11, 2011 visited FIRAT AŞ Chairman of Board of Directors, Dr. Nevzat Demir at facilities of FIRAT...
Fırat Marketing Management carried out the final dealer meeting of 2011 in Çeşme, which is the pearl of the Aegean by gathering with dealers who will be granted with award under Marmara Region and Turkey overall standing.